Sunday, April 6, 2008

More Squishes

I've tried editing that last post three times and it keeps going back to that awful layout. My apologies. Let's hope this post comes out better......These three squishes are all from Sue, Jason's mother.

Update on Squishes

Its been quite a while since I've updated this blog. Life keeps getting in the way! The squishes keep pouring in and its so fun to check the mail these days!
This squish is from my second cousin Joyce & her puppies (she breeds German Shepherds).
This fabric & squish is from Mark, Katie & Ellie. They are friends of ours that used to work with Jason. Don't ya love the smiling frogs?!
This squish is from Dianne
& Jim Pope. An online friend
that I've made through a Pilot Wives group. We wives have to stick together!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Our first Squishes!

Square + Wish = "Squish". Its kind of corny, but its caught on in the adoption community and it just seems to fit.

These are our first squishes. They are from an exchange we participated in with our DTC/LID group. LID = Log in Date, which is the date the CCAA officially logged in our dossier. Those with a LID the same or very close to ours will likely receive their little ones around the same time we will. Those of us (using the same agency) with April '06 LID's have formed a Yahoo! Message group and I have enjoyed getting to know everyone. We've got quite a wait in front of us and its nice to share it with other families that are waiting as anxiously as we are.

Our Wish to Our Friends

Having met lots of people in the adoption community, we have participated in a number of other quilts. We've used the same fabric and wish each time and we are including it our quilt so that our daughter will have a connection to all of the friends we made on our journey. The quote reads:
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you choose." - Dr. Suess

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Welcome to our Bai Jia Bei

Welcome everyone to our Good Wishes Quilt. This is where we will share the process of our Bai Jia Bei - from the squares we receive in the mail, the cutting the sewing and finally, the quilt. Please check back often and be sure to check back after you send in your square to see it featured here!

Thank you to all of our loved ones who participate - this will be a treasure our little one will cherish for the rest of her life.

Jason, Jessica, Ben & Carter